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Last Updated: 5th March 2021

Settings Manual

DCDigital Settings Summary

Open up the OSD by holding down (Left Trigger + Right Trigger + X + A + Start).

If you have a resolution setup that is not supported by the TV, use this command to get back into VGA mode:
(Left Trigger + Right Trigger + Y + B + Start)

Output Resolution

  • Select your desired output resolution:
    • 1080p will have black borders around the image. This allows for pixel-perfect presentation.
    • 960p may not work on all TVs. If you get a black screen after switching resolutions wait 15 seconds for the resolution to switch back.
    • 480p mode will show a squashed image on any standard Dreamcast game. This option was kept as some homebrew use all 720 horizontal pixels.
    • VGA mode will display the 640×480 resolution in the correct aspect ratio on your HDMI TV


  • This subsection allows you to add scanlines to the image. These settings are self-explanatory.

Video Mode Settings

  • The Dreamcast can internally render images at 240p/480i OR 480p. The DCHDMI is able to tell the Dreamcast which method to use.
  • Force VGA mode simulates inserting a VGA box. This will make the Dreamcast internally render games at 480p. Make sure your game supports 480p when using this option.
  • Cable Detect by default puts the Dreamcast in 240p/480i mode. You can insert an RGB Scart cable/composite cable. If you insert a VGA box the Dreamcast will switch to 480p
  • Switch Trick VGA is an option for a select few games that will not start in 480p mode. But can work after switching to 480p once the game has started.

Firmware Upgrade

  • You can update your DCDigital easily via WiFi. GDEMU users should remove their GDEMU and replace with normal GDROM based drives before updating. GDEMUs are unshielded and can affect the wifi/download. You have been warned.
  • The update procedure is simple and goes in this order: Check -> Download -> Flash -> Reset
  • Make sure to NOT turn off your system during a firmware update.
  • During the start of the flash procedure, the screen will not change for 5-10 seconds. This is normal.

WiFi Setup

  • This allows you to easily set up your SSID and password on your WiFi network.
  • If you enter incorrect information or the WiFi is down, the OSD will not be available for 10-15 seconds after startup.

Reset Options

  • There is one optional output on the DCHDMI. This can control the onboard LED, reset the USB-GDROM back to game selection or simulate GDEMU button press.
  • The GDEMU always resets back to folder 01 during reset, while USB-GDROM will reload the previously loaded game during the Dreamcast reset.
  • These options are 100% optional. The default setting is LED.

Advanced Connection to the ESP

  • If you want to mess around more, you can access the ESP module directly with a web browser.
  • If the ESP is not connected to a WiFi network, it will create an Access Point which you can connect to. Open up the OSD using the controller and go to the Wifi section. The wifi SSID / Wifi Password / URL / URL Login / URL Password will all be listed.
    The Wifi and Url Passwords change every time at startup until they are saved in the terminal settings.
  • After connecting you will be guided through a setup.
  • Once the WiFi is set up, you need to look up the ESP IP address in the OSD under Wifi OR if you have mDNS support goto this URL: dc-firmware-manager.local
  • Once connected and set up you can type “help” for a list of commands.


Black Dog Tech

Daniel Kunz